
Calculating acceleration due to gravity lab
Calculating acceleration due to gravity lab

And have more tests will be better to confirm the results, if each personal do the ten times, then compare the each result, more tests is help to reduce errors. Introduction The purpose of this experiment was to use a timer, photogate sensor, and picket fence to determine the velocity and acceleration of the motion of the picket fence, as well as to gain a better understanding of kinematics and projectile motion. Change the yellow plastic ball to an iron ball or other heavier ball will be much decreases the effect from air resistance. Lab 2: Measuring the Acceleration of Gravity. Set a constant height will be better than use hands to drops the ball. Air resistance and height is just relatively constant are the most reasons. The error make the result with forecast has a large gap. In the conclusion, this lab seems to didn’t have generated strong support for the theories and hypothesis that g = CACM/so. Conclusion The experiment is to calculate the acceleration of gravity using the Smart Timers. The data result with prediction has about 47. Also the smart line connect line data transmission time will be effect the result, but this time is almost negligible, and under the present conditions, it is no way to improve that much. Use hand to start drop the ball is hard to constant the height, here will have some error, and plastic ball may too light, it is susceptible to get effect by the air resistance. The most likely cause is air resistance and height not content.

calculating acceleration due to gravity lab

Error Analysis The result has a considerable error with prediction. Shorten the connect line both between the Photostat and smart timers, and pad and smart timers. The new hypothesis need to make sure the ball is drop from the same height, use hands to begin the drops will be have too much error, choose a heavier ball, to reduce the impact of air resistance. It has a considerable error with prediction.

calculating acceleration due to gravity lab calculating acceleration due to gravity lab

(Throw out an extremely large or small value) The result have an anomalies, it’s much bigger than the prediction that g CACM/so. The data also show the average value of time and “g”. Do this 10 times and take an Data The following chart details the ten times trials of the experiment and includes an average of the ten times trials. After pressing “3” start/stop button twice until a “star” appears on the screen, release the yellow plastic ball and measure the time it takes to fall.

Calculating acceleration due to gravity lab