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Remember, don't accept vouchers - the airline owes you money! You are entitled to a refund if your Aer Lingus flight was cancelled and you did not take an alternative flight. # When can I claim a refund for my cancelled Aer Lingus flight

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Alternatively, use our free Claim Calculator to see if you are eligible in as little as a minute. See the table below for more information on when you can receive compensation for an Aer Lingus flight cancellation. If your flight was cancelled at least 14 days before the departure date, you are likely entitled to flight compensation. # Aer Lingus compensation for cancelled flightĭepending on the circumstances, you may be entitled to a refund or compensation - or even both! # When can I claim compensation for my cancelled Aer Lingus flight To qualify, two conditions must be met: a minimum delay of 3 hours upon arrival and the airline being responsible for the delay (excluding exceptional circumstances like adverse weather or political instability). If your arrival at the destination was delayed due to an Aer Lingus flight, you may be eligible for up to £520 in compensation. # Aer Lingus compensation for delayed flight Warning: If your flight was delayed or cancelled because of “ extraordinary circumstance”, you won’t be entitled to flight compensation as the airline needs to be responsible for the flight disruption to provide compensation to passengers. You can claim those directly at the airline’s service desk at the airport, if the airline refuses to give you a voucher, just go and buy what you need - they will have to pay you back those expenses (as long as they are reasonable). Regardless of the flight disruption or its cause, airlines must provide passengers with special assistance, known as the "right to care.” This includes food and beverage vouchers, communication services, and if needed, accommodations and transportation. Additionally, if the flight was cancelled fewer than 14 days before departure, you might be entitled to cancelled Aer Lingus flight compensation. Was your Aer Lingus flight cancelled? If you did not take an alternative flight offered by the airline, you are entitled to a refund. Was your Aer Lingus flight delayed? If you arrived at your final destination at least 3 hours late, you are most likely entitled to flight compensation. Depending on specific circumstances, you could potentially be eligible for Aer Lingus compensation of up to £520 and a complete refund of the ticket price for your cancelled Aer Lingus flight. When faced with flight cancellations or delays by Aer Lingus, it's important to be aware of the protections provided by British regulations, which safeguard your rights as an air passenger. # Your rights in the event of a delayed or cancelled Aer Lingus flight

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